Magical touch, mental health support, and loving care … all in one place.  

 Does this sound like you?

  • “I can’t sleep at night.”

  • “I’m burned out.”

  • “I’m worried I’m self-destructive.”

  • “My job is driving me effing crazy.”

  • “I don’t know what to do with my life.”

  • “I have headaches … my shoulders are tight … my lower back hurts.”

  • “I’ve had problems in my relationship for a long time and I don’t know what’s going to happen next.”

You’re at the corner of WTF and "Nobody's ever helped."

 Let me introduce myself.

I'm Kelly Brady, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Acupuncture Physician.

I take a top-down approach that's solutions-focused, because I want you to get results, fast.

I also address what’s going on from underneath, working with the unknown parts of the mind and the body.

That’s how we get results that last.

In other words:

You’ve got to name it

to tame it.


For 30 years, I've helped thousands of professionals, couples, families, and motivated individuals break free of repetitive chronic patterns of pain, addiction, trauma, anxiety, depression, and relationship problems.

They’re now getting the "more" out of life that they'd been longing for. 


Hear it from them:

I’ve been referring patients to Kelly for 25 years. She is a uniquely gifted, empathetic healer. Fiercely intelligent and deeply committed to guiding her patients to profound understanding, her insights resonate long after therapy has concluded.

— Suzanne Alexander, Nurse Practitioner, Florida

Stop doing the things that keep you stuck so you can experience the good life you’ve been longing for. 

By taking action now, you can finally:

  • Heal unresolved trauma.

  • Create loving and healthy relationships.

  • End your addictions, anxiety and depression.

  • Establish a mindfulness practice that works.

  • Stop destructive behavior that may ruin your career … or that’s stopping you from starting one.

  • Become someone who is authentic, real, honest, embodied, spontaneous, and free (like you've always wanted to be).